Да кажеш ДА на белите коси
В миналото белите коси са били символ на мъдрост, днес са секси акцент при по-възрастните мъже, но и един от най-големите кошмари на жените

Bored Panda разказват за един особен Instagram акаунт grombre, създаден от 26-годишната Марта Смит, която дълго време се е борила със своите посивели коси. Бялата коса не е въпрос на възраст, а на ген и Марта задава въпроса: Посивялата ми коса грозна ли е, кара ли ме да изглеждам стара и означава ли, че вече не съм достатъчно добра?


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Kick back, it’s Saturday. @trinelundager #grombre #gogrombre

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Разбира се, че не! И Марта подтиква хиляди жени да заобичат и да покажат красотата на своята естествена, макар и понякога, преждевременно побеляла коса. Важно е да отбележим, че става въпрос за естествено побеляла или посивяла коса, а не боядисана такава.



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When someone says, “grey looks so good on you but I could never pull it off.” @ondine_rumer #grombre #gogrombre

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“Going grey was a huge game changer for me… It was like learning who I was all over again… same me in a different frame (of mind).” @psilly #grombre #gogrombre

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“I’ve been greying since the age of 13 and I’ve never dyed my hair. Furthermore, I’ve been growing it since 12 and I have entirely forfeited cutting it five years ago. I’m profoundly happy with the way it looks. The colour and the length combined are one of my favourite attributes. Never have I ever felt like it made me look older! Instead it gets me the sweetest and most magical compliments, some of which I’m sure you’re familiar with: looking avant-garde, otherworldly or like a fairy, an elf, or Frozen-Anna. My current life on an organic farm somehow resonates with my natural hair, and for me it’s another way for my femininity to shine through. I hope to inspire as many as possible, to be brave enough to embrace and show who and what they truly are on the inside.” @prettyshepherd #grombre #gogrombre

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“My name is Lhin. I am 37 years old from Thailand. I have had gray hair since I was in high school. It keeps changing the color more through the years. I had to dye my hair almost every month. Four years ago, I decided to let my gray hair grow out and embrace my natural color. Despite some mean comments from neighbors, I didn’t care and went on with my daily life. Nowadays, I am asked by people all the time, “where did I get my hair done!?”They love it and want to have this color too. I love my hair and I feel blessed that I embrace it and let this color become me. I am happy to see this grombre ladies out there. Thank you for raising awareness of people around the world. I want to shoutout for someone who is struggling with a similar story like me; keep being yourself and embrace it. Because you are absolutely beautiful in your own way!” @lhinholguin #grombre #gogrombre

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“Found my first silvery strands in my twenties, and have been dyeing for 20+ years. I opted to bleach out my ends and coax the gray in- and have dark roots instead of light, a dark background instead of a halo(also fabulous, btw). My stylist was such a brave chemist- but now slightly afraid of all the referrals she’s getting (This approach was not easy, of course, and I sacrificed many destroyed inches). But two years in, I find myself wishing for more gray! And now I wear red lipstick everyday! I’m truly never going back. Not letting myself go. Letting myself become❤️” #grombre #gogrombre @jukipants

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“Good hair day selfie from the weekend. Gotta love a blow dry… 21 months in #grombre land!” @hopeandglorie #gogrombre

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Снимки: www.instagram.com/grombre/


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