Всяка от вдъхновяващите визии на Кейт Мидълтън от посещението й в Пакистан
Британският принц Уилям и съпругата му Кейт Мидълтън посетиха планински регион в северната част на Пакистан, където ясно личат белезите от пагубното въздействие на климатичните промени

Официалната 5-дневна визита на азиатската страна е първото посещение на държавата от членове на британското кралско семейство от 13 години насам. Основната причина, поради която аристократите толкова време не са предприемали обиколка на Пакистан, е тероризмът, който превръща мястото в опасна и рискова дестинация. Както се споменава в изявление от двореца Кенсингтън

„предвид съображенията за логистика и сигурност, това е най-сложната обиколка, предприета от херцога и херцогинята към днешна дата.“


Херцозите на Кеймбридж бяха посрещнати от министъра на външните работи Шах Мехмуд Къреши в базата на военновъздушните сили в Равалпинди, която се намира близо до столицата Исламабад. Освен, че се запознаха с проблемите в този регион, те не пропуснаха и да вкусят от живота и традициите на местните хора.

CHITRAL, PAKISTAN – OCTOBER 16: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visit a settlement of the Kalash people, to learn more about their culture and unique heritage, on October 16, 2019 in Chitral, Pakistan. Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are on a visit of Pakistan between 14-18th October at the request of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. (Photo by Samir Hussein/WireImage)

Междувременно, от уважение към местната култура, Кейт се бе подготвила с тоалети доближаващи се до традиционното за арабския свят облекло и меко-казано ни смая с външния си вид.


Сега, когато 5-дневната визита на херцогът и херцогинята на Кембридж е към своя край, ние предлагаме да се впуснем във вдъхновяващите визии на Кейт Мидълтън през последните дни:


ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN – OCTOBER 14: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge arrive at Pakistani Air Force Base Nur Khan on October 14, 2019 in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are on a visit to Pakistan between 14-18th October at the request of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. (Photo by Samir Hussein/WireImage)



ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN – OCTOBER 15: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge join a gathering of children from three different schools taking part in a number of activities to show Pakistan’s effort to meet sustainable development goals at Margallah Hills National Park on October 15, 2019 in Islamabad, Pakistan. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN – OCTOBER 15: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge pose after visiting the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan for an a official meeting at the Prime Minister’s Official Residence on October 15, 2019 in Islamabad, Pakistan. (Photo by Karwai Tang/WireImage)

ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN – OCTOBER 15: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge pose as they attend a special reception hosted by the British High Commissioner Thomas Drew, at the Pakistan National Monument, during day two of their royal tour of Pakistan on October 15, 2019 in Islamabad, Pakistan. (Photo by Chris Jackson – Pool/Getty Images)



CHITRAL, PAKISTAN – OCTOBER 16: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visit a settlement of the Kalash people, to learn more about their culture and unique heritage, on October 16, 2019 in Chitral, Pakistan. Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are on a visit of Pakistan between 14-18th October at the request of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. (Photo by Samir Hussein/WireImage)



LAHORE, PAKISTAN – OCTOBER 17: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge arrive for a Interfaith Meeting at Badshahi Mosque on October 17, 2019 in Lahore, Pakistan. Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are on a visit of Pakistan between 14-18th October at the request of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. (Photo by Samir Hussein/WireImage)

LAHORE, PAKISTAN – OCTOBER 17: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge arrive in Lahore during their royal tour of Pakistan on October 17, 2019 in Lahore, Pakistan. (Photo by Peter Nicholls – Pool/Getty Images)

LAHORE, PAKISTAN – OCTOBER 17: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits the National Cricket Academy during their royal tour of Pakistan on October 17, 2019 in Lahore, Pakistan. (Photo by Ian Vogler – Pool/Getty Images)

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